Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Alumni Gym Hours

              While doing further research for the Alumni Gym and Johnson Center project, one of the main questions that keeps reoccurring is “why are the Alumni Gym hours so short for students?”.  This is one of the main focus points for the documentary, so digging deeper into this problem seems like a reasonable idea to blog about. 
                As listed in a previous blog post, the Alumni Gym is only open to students between the hours of 8pm to 12am.  The first thing that comes to mind when looking at these hours of operation is “why those hours, they seem rather late”.  Does the reason behind these nighttime hours correlate to something deeper?  The second idea that comes to mind is “maybe these hours are so restricted because the Johnson Center supplies the main hours of operation”.  If this is the case, it only seems reasonable that the Alumni Gym hours are so short.  This brings about the idea that if the Alumni Gym hours were to be extended to students, would this bring about a great competition to the Johnson Center, and if so, how would this affect the University as a whole?  All of these ideas have great potential for further research in the documentary and each could take the project in completely different directions. 
                If the documentary were to focus on the nighttime aspect of the first idea, it could discuss the potential physical benefits of working out at night.  For example, working out at night could help to maintain a healthy diet as well as improving sleep patterns.  “Exercising at night will help expend some of that energy when you’re at your productive peak, helping you sleep better throughout the night and wake up refreshed”(Why Your Evening Workouts Work). 

"Why Your Evening Workouts Work." Prevention. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.


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