Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Interview Questions

A.      Students who work out at Alumni Gym/Johnson Center- interviewing the student population who actually use each facility will allow for more personal answers and stories involving the equipment.
B.      Staff members of the Alumni Gym
C.      Staff members of the Johnson Center
a)      Interviewing the staff members of each facility would give insight to deeper connections and possibly provide more information regarding the facility that would not necessarily be found online or in a textbook.
1.       How often do you work out at the facility?
2.       What motivates you to work out?
3.       Why do you prefer this gym over a different facility?
4.       Have you ever been to the other facility?
5.       Which part of campus, if you live on campus, do you live on?
6.       What time of the day do you work out?
7.       How long have you worked at this facility?
8.       What major differences do you notice about this gym compared to the other facility, if you have ever been to that gym?
9.       Do you know of any historical facts about this facility?  If so, what are they?

10.   In what ways could the facility be improved?

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